We work to be the one stop shop for all of your dental needs. We are always updating our equipment to provide top of the line services to our clients.
Preventive Care

Preventive procedures form the cornerstone for maintaining dental health. Dr. Kroffke believes in education to maintain healthy teeth whenever possible.
Routine professional cleanings are required to ensure avoiding periodontal disease and dental caries which are the leading cause for teeth failure. These cleanings are traditionally performed twice a year and are covered by insurance. If the gums are inflamed or bleeding because of a bacterial invasion, more frequent cleanings may be recommended. We always recommend an electric toothbrush, flossing and use of a fluoridated toothpaste for best at homecare.
At the clinical examination there will be a complete exam (recommended annually) or a limited exam performed depending on the needs of the patient. We can see the mouth visually with a bright light and magnification, but we cannot see cavities beneath the enamel without the use of a bitewing radiograph. Panoramic radiographs or X-rays allow us to see wisdom teeth and any cysts or tumors in the the jaw or skull. If a cavity or gum disease is identified, we will recommend treatment.
Cosmetic Care

Our cosmetic services are designed to alter the color or shape of your teeth to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of having.
We will take impressions of your teeth to custom-make bleaching trays in order to hold the bleaching gel exactly where it is desired. We determine the correct bleaching gel strength and order it for you. Once it arrives, we include an in-office initial bleaching session to explain and demonstrate the technique. You then take the gel and trays home, and wear the trays for 1 hour per day for approximately 2 weeks.
Porcelain Veneers (or bonded tooth colored fillings) are thin, laboratory-fabricated veneers that are bonded on front teeth with minimal tooth preparation. Unlike a crown, they offer little protection or strength, but they give teeth ideal shape and color. Instead of porcelain fabricated in a laboratory, tooth colored filling material can also be bonded on teeth to give teeth ideal shape and color. The difference will be noticeable over time — porcelain veneers are much less likely to stain or chip.
Small chips or irregularities that are wholly contained within the enamel layer of teeth can be smoothed and polished without damage to the tooth.
Restorative Care

We use tooth-colored “composite” filling material. Silver amalgam material is still safe to use and you should not be worried if you currently have silver amalgam fillings in your mouth. We prefer the composite material because it allows us to bond or “glue” the filling to the remaining tooth structure. This allows us to remove less tooth structure before placing the composite. We do not believe in replacing a silver amalgam filling simply to change the material. It is true that silver amalgam fillings contain mercury, but the mercury is chemically bound to other elements in the filling material. Actually, removing silver amalgam fillings is when you are most exposed. When silver fillings are removed, mercury vapor exposure is minimized by the high speed suction used by the assistant.
Many conditions can cause the pulp (nerve and blood vessels) of the tooth to become inflamed, infected, or non-viable. For example, the pulp can be exposed to bacteria either through decay or tooth fracture, or teeth can suffer trauma or dislocation during sports or auto accidents. Even without direct exposure to bacteria, deep decay results in a deep filling, and the pulp is affected. Sometimes the pulp can recover, sometimes it cannot. When it cannot, the pulp is treated with endodontic therapy (root canal) to save the tooth. This therapy cleans, shapes, and then seals the pulp system from further bacterial exposure. If the pulp has been altered and cannot recover, the only alternative to endodontic therapy is extraction and replacement.
Crowns are used to restore teeth that are badly broken down, attach to implants, or anchor bridges. Crowns are made of precious metal alloys, porcelain, or a combination of the two. Crowns are fabricated by a dental laboratory and multiple appointments are required. We use only reputable labs, and no work is performed outside the USA.
Bonding involves creating place fillings made of composite. We create material and apply it to teeth to make them look bigger, whiter and/or straighter. We typically do not drill into teeth very much for cosmetic bonding.
Teeth Replacement

Full dentures are used when all teeth are missing. Full dentures can be placed on the same day that the remaining teeth are extracted. Traditionally, full dentures rely on close fit to the tissues for retention, but implants now offer a better way to “snap-in” the denture.
Partial dentures are removable appliances used to replace teeth when several teeth are missing, or teeth are missing on both sides of the mouth. Partial dentures can have a rigid metal framework, can be made entirely of acrylic, or can be made of flexible synthetic resin.
Implants are used to replace missing teeth and anchor removable full, or partial, dentures. Implants are placed into the bone and over time, the implant and bone grow together. Once this has occurred, a restoration such as a crown or anchor for a denture, can be attached to the implant. We do not place the implant ourselves—that procedure is normally done by an Oral Surgeon or a Periodontist. Once the implant and bone have fused, we place the appropriate attachment and restoration. Implants are totally manmade, therefore they do not have future decay problems, and they are very successful. Implant placement is rarely covered by insurance, but implant restoration is often covered. Dr.Kroffke and Dr. Fruin have training to place and restore surgical implants.
Oral Surgery

When a tooth is impact and causing pain it should be removed. Occasionally, we will refer you to an oral surgeon in close proximity to you for proper sedation in order to remove the tooth. Dr. Kroffke can usually remove most hopeless teeth and will talk about options to replace the tooth that fits your budget.
We do not extract any type of impacted third molars (wisdom teeth). We will refer you to an Oral Surgeon. Additionally, if we anticipate any complications during the extraction such as crown or root fractures; or the tooth has decayed to the point of very little tooth remaining above the gum, we will also refer you to an Oral Surgeon. We will extract erupted teeth when we do not anticipate any complications.
Sometimes bacteria can grow so far down the root of the tooth that the bone holding the tooth is destroyed. The bacteria needs to be eliminated in order to save the supporting healthy bone and tooth. If the the bone is severely destroyed, we will recommend a periodontist who specializes in rehabilitating or regenerating bone around teeth.
Limited Orthodontics

Orthodontic treatment corrects misalignment of teeth or jaws, and corrects crowding of teeth. Certain cases require the expertise of specialists (Orthodontists) and we do not hesitate to refer you to them.
Invisalign will straighten your teeth with the use of clear aligners. If the teeth are very crowded, an orthodontist will typically be involved for proper tooth alignment.
Night guards are typically made to protect teeth from grinding or bruxism. Some people grind and actively are aware of it (teeth clenching) while another 80% of people who grind their teeth at night and are not aware of it. This is called bruxism and a night guard or a grinding a appliance will be made for you.